Are you ready to feel like you again?


We help busy moms reclaim their health with easy meal plan support and on demand workouts. 


Get your confidence back and feel your best again along with a community of women who understand exactly where you are.


Are you ready to feel your best without expensive gym memberships or meal plans?

Being a mom can be a beautiful thing but what we don’t talk about it is how it draining it is too. We want to give everything to our children and family but that leaves us being even more depleted.


We see you!

You are unsure of how to lose weight.

You are tired of staring at your pantry, unsure of what to make for your next meal.

You are tired of peeing a little bit when laugh/cough/jump.

You are ready to strengthen, tone, and get rid of the low belly pooch.

You want to improve your posture, feel strong, and build confidence.

Mama Care Complete is for you!

There is a lack of support for postpartum mothers…

No one tells us how to overcome peeing when we cough, laugh, or sneeze.

We are told we can’t exercise until at least 6 weeks postpartum yet we have children to tend to, households to run, and ourselves to take care of.

We are physically and emotionally exhausted from sleep deprivation and eating convenience foods instead of meals that help us recover and restore.

Mineral deficiencies can lead to postpartum depression, feeling exhausted and depleted most of the day. We are not taught how to replenish our bodies after this physically demanding experience.

But imagine if you could…

  • Learn simple and easy exercises you can start doing from Day 1 to help repair your core.
  • Have access to simple but healthy recipes to help feed your family for the week.
  • Learn how to eat meals that provide you with the energy and support you need.
  • Join a community of women who understand what you are going through.

We get it!


We are busy mothers too and finding the time to take care of yourself can be one of the biggest obstacles to feeling yourself again. We know, we’ve been there! 


That is why we created Mama Care Complete, to simplify getting healthy and to feel amazing, inside and out.


Mama Care Complete Membership

Mama Care Complete

Helping busy moms feel healthy.


In only 6 weeks of Mama Care Complete, my diastasis went from a 4 finger to a ½ to 1 finger separation

"I have tried every program imaginable for years and have seen minimal results. The few results that I did see plateaued and never progressed. I was at the point of no longer caring and fully accepting that I would look pregnant for the rest of my life. After having twins and two singles in 3 ½ years total with my fourth child rupturing my uterus, my body was a complete wreck. 


In only 6 weeks of Mama Care Complete, my diastasis went from a 4 finger to a ½ to 1 finger separation, and my self-confidence and self-worth is immeasurable. Not only am I able to wear different clothing and fit into things I never thought possible, but also as a CrossFit athlete, my lifting capabilities and form have improved considerably.


The program is simple and easy to follow; however, you must be dedicated to it every single day if your goal is to see quick results. Thank you Mama Care Complete for this life-changing experience. I cannot recommend this program enough for women struggling with diastasis recti."



Female doing pilates

Here’s what you get when you join today

  • On Demand work out videos to heal your core and get strong
  • Easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Access to a community of women to help support you
  • Guest speakers on a variety of topics
  • Mama Meditations to help calm your mind



Ready to change your life for the better?


New Mom exercising with baby

Move Well


We know you are strapped for time so we have made working out as easy as possible and available for when you need it. Choose from 5 minute to 20 minute work outs to fit in your schedule. No thinking about what to do, just log on and choose a video that works for you.

Our videos will include workouts for pregnancy, postpartum, and weight loss. Learn importantconsiderations as you move through your pregnancy and postpartum journey to keep you safe and strong. Whether you want to stay strong, get rid of your low belly pooch, reduce your back pain, or stop peeing when you laugh – we have what you need.

Most importantly, you get to take time for you, get strong and feel confident!

Eat Well


Having personally experienced the healing power of diet and lifestyle, our Functional Nutritionist Clare Samol, is excited to guide you through the most physically demanding moments of your life.  Whether you are pregnant and battling with nausea & food aversions or you are in your 4th trimester and are sleep deprived and time poor. She will provide you with nourishing meal plans to help you feel your best as well as feed the entire family.

The biggest impact you can have on the development of your baby and your recovery afterwards is how you nourish your body. What we eat effects our mood, our energy levels, our motivation, our long-term health, and can dramatically improve health outcomes for your baby and your pregnancy.  Being healthy doesn’t mean eating only salads for every meal and isn’t a life of deprivation either.  It’s learning to crowd out the foods that don’t serve us and focusing on the food that do.  Its learning to prioritize foods that are nutrient dense and will provide the building blocks your baby needs and the support you need to recover.  

If you are trying to lose weight, it’s creating meals that help you achieve your goals and leave you feeling satisfied.

Inside Mama Care Complete you will find guides on how to stock your pantry, tips on how to manage weight loss, as well as a curated list of recipes meant to be quick, easy, and nutritious.

Healthy food
Female meditating

Be Well


What if a couple minutes a day could help you feel less anxious, reduce your stress and depression symptoms?

While motherhood is an incredibly rewarding experience, it can also be a lonely place that can leave mothers feeling anxious and depressed. Practicing mindfulness has been shown to help people manage stress, cope better with illness, and reduce anxiety and depression. Other studies have shown it can help people with weight loss. Finding the time to be mindful is often the biggest challenge so with a little support from Mama Care Complete you can enjoy Mindful Moments with us and take these small steps to help calm our minds, reduce our stress, and make us feel alive and present again.

Speaker Series


Each month we will bring in experts to discuss topics that will help support you. 

We will have speakers come in and talk about everything from pelvic floor health, managing stress around the holidays, to building immune systems. Listen to amazing professionals speak about important topics regarding your prenatal and postpartum journey, your joys and struggles balancing all the things, the importance of healthy nutrition for our families, and more!

Pregnant lady

Here's what they're saying

“The principles of Mama Care complete gave me my quality of life back. Where I used to have weekly, if not daily back pain, I am now enjoying my third baby and being able to move more freely and without pain. I’m so thankful to be able to get down on the floor and play with my kids and not be stuck to a heating pad.”


Join Mama Care Complete today!


Month to Month




Quarterly Plan


 $25 per month ($12 savings)




6 Month Plan


$19.99 per month ($55 savings)




Gift 3 Months of Mama Care Complete


Clare Samol

Meet Clare


Hi! I’m Clare, your Functional Nutritionist, and I want to remove the stress of trying to figure out what to eat and let you just pick from meals that sound good to you at that moment.  I’m a busy mom of 3 and feel the pain of trying to eat healthy and juggle all the after school activities. Sometimes the easy way out is going through the drive through on those nights but then I’m left feeling bloated and lethargic afterwards. My goal with Mama Care Complete was to eliminate the stress of meal planning. All of the recipes on Mama Care Complete are nutrient dense to help you feel your best and nourish the entire family. I want my mamas to enjoy their food, not just have baked chicken and broccoli every night. The ingredients are limited so you are more likely to have everything on hand and to make it as easy as possible. It’s amazing what the right foods can do for your mood, your skin, your weight goals and just feeling your best. When we eat well, we feel well.

Meet Heather


Hi! I’m Heather, your Pilates Instructor. I have over 20 years experience in the field and can’t wait to share what I have learned over the years with you! I have a passion for helping women overcome core dysfunction and building their confidence. I too, had to overcome these issues after becoming a mom. It’s not easy!  

I have two amazing boys who are growing like weeds! From the time I was pregnant with my first, I craved more information about how to help moms and their prenatal and postnatal wellness journey. I myself had a rough time transitioning to being a mom and getting to a point where I was happy and confident with my body. I had a lot of tools and knowledge, but it was not enough. After I had my second baby, I had trouble with the same exercises I had been doing for years. I had a low belly pooch that made me look like I was still pregnant despite how much I was working out. Even with my expertise, I soon learned that postpartum women need a different kind of support and went down a new professional path that supported this training. I became a Certified Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist and went in depth in other trainings that specialize in postpartum and pregnancy exercise.  

Over time, I have had a blast developing a program for moms to find their core, their confidence, and their light. We all come from different backgrounds and experience and can learn from the communities around us. I look forward to developing more classes for you busy moms at home and hope to inspire and help you all find your core and feel great.

Heather Thompson

I am happy to report that I am not only happy with what I see in the mirror, but I feel stronger and more energetic

“Prior to becoming pregnant with my beautiful baby girl, I felt that I had finally "settled into" myself after 28 cringe-worthy years of fumbling with a body image that was, to put it mildly, a little lacking in confidence. Just before seeing that life-changing little plus sign on the pregnancy test, I finally felt comfortable in my body--I was slender yet physically fit. When my daughter was born, she was over 9 pounds and almost 22 inches long. Prior to pregnancy, I was 5'0" and weighed 98 pounds. I developed a condition called diastasis recti, in which my abdominal muscles had literally separated to accommodate my growing not-so-little nugget. Long after my six week check up, I felt as if my body no longer was my own, like I'd been flung into some strange, sloppy, second puberty. Even after losing all of my pregnancy weight, my stomach bulged out, making me look about five months pregnant. I was certain I would need surgery to reconnect the muscles. I was offhandedly referred to Heather by a friend who had sustained the same injury, and decided to give it a go. A tummy tuck runs about 10 grand, so I figured it couldn't hurt. I am so thankful I did. At 8 months postpartum, I am wearing bikinis again. My body is still adjusting to no longer being pregnant, but I am happy to report that I am not only happy with what I see in the mirror, but I feel stronger and more energetic. I'd say she's a miracle worker, but that's reductive--she's a trained professional, and she knows what she's doing! ”



It’s finally time to heal!

If you’re ready to get rid of the low belly pooch, say goodbye to incontinence, and make meal time easier – join us today!


Got questions?



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to this

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Here's what they're saying

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*course name*
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