Mama Care Complete: Meet Heather Thompson

mama care complete Oct 10, 2023
Meet Heather Thompson

Welcome to Mama Care Complete

We are so glad you are here and even more excited to present this platform to you! Our inspiration came from our own families and working with busy moms and wanting more to offer.

In your membership, you will have access to Pilates workouts, core rehab information, sanity tips (:, nutritious meal planning, snack ideas, and more! Our goal with busy moms is to provide all the information in small bites of information so its manageable to work into your day.  Affecting change takes time and brain power and as moms ourselves, we are fully aware that it can be too much!  We are here to tell you, you don’t have to do it all!!! Pick one thing at a time to focus on and move from there. If that means you pull one 5 minute exercise video, one recipe, or one snack idea, great! 

You are worth it! You are worth your own time and energy. People can wait!!!! They can wait for you as you carve time for yourself. Being a mom, we can forget that one concept. We are worth it.

If we are always giving to others and never to ourselves, we will have nothing left to give and will feel burned out, angry, sad, and unmotivated. We want you to take your life back! Take you back! Feel great!!! 

Meet Heather Thompson!!!!

Hi! Thank you so much for joining us. I have been teaching Pilates for over 23 years. I have two amazing boys who are growing like weeds! From the time I was pregnant with my first, I craved more information about how to help moms and their prenatal and postnatal wellness journey. I myself had a rough time transitioning to being a mom and finding my core was a nightmare! I had a lot of tools and knowledge, but it was not enough! I dove into Sarah Duvall’s postpartum corrective exercise specialist certification to learn as much as I could and applied it to my Pilates practice. When my first was about 6 months old, I was introduced to Crossfit. I loved it! I thought it was great! However, after having my second, I learned very quickly that loading with core control was hard!!! Not as easy as one might think! I felt like I still looked pregnant after a year and I simply could not find my deep core strength. So, I learned more and got into the Pilates Pregnancy Impact Course with Alison Marsh.

Over time, I have had a blast developing a program for moms to find their core, their confidence, and their light. We all come from different backgrounds and experience and can learn from the communities around us. I look forward to developing more classes for you busy moms at home and hope to inspire and help you all find your core and feel great.