Self Care Tips

diet self-care weight loss Feb 13, 2024

Fad diets and magic pills have been pushed our way for decades as way of finding our ideal self.  The truth is, finding little ways each day to take care of yourself is what pays the biggest dividends in the long run and will have a lasting impact.  

Here are tips you can start doing TODAY:


  1. Don’t skip breakfast – while intermittent fasting has its benefits, the majority of moms are running on stress hormones (high cortisol). When cortisol levels go up too high, for too long, it leads to high insulin and blood sugar levels. When our cortisol is raised, we don’t digest our food as well which leads to bloating, gas, and food sensitivities. Elevated cortisol can affect your sleep, your libido, can weaken your immune system, and a sluggish metabolism. You can have your cortisol levels checked with a functional medicine practitioner if you are unsure.
  2. Make sure your breakfast has plenty of protein. When we start our day off with a high carb meal, we spike our blood sugar early and it usually leaves us hungry soon after.  If we can get plenty of protein to start our day, it helps to stabilize our blood sugar, helps us to feel energized, and snack less.
  3. Get a good nights sleep – When we are tired, our brain’s reward centers rev up causing us to seek comfort food and anything to give us energy. We also feel less stable with our mood. Sleep deprived people snack more and are more likely to choose high carb meals. For moms in the baby phase, listen to your body and respect that you are in a phase that is temporary. This is information for you to understand your cravings. You can have a mix of healthy snacks around and the comfort foods you seek. For moms that don’t have little ones waking them up every night, try to focus on implementing a good sleep routine and see how your cravings shift!  
  4. Eat your veggies. Fiber not only binds to toxins and helps get rid of them, but also helps reduce the amount of sugar absorbed. One study showed participants changed nothing about their diet except increasing their fiber intake 10% and lost weight just with that increase.
  5. Manage Stress.  When we are stressed we tend to sleep less, it can cause us to stress eat, and it makes us produce more cortisol which prompts our body to hold onto fat and reduces our digestive capabilities. Inside the membership we have many stress management techniques you can easily do any time of day to help mitigate the side effects of stress.

For more tips on how to build your plate and use food to lose weight, check out the guide inside the membership. Start your 7 day free trial today!