About us

Hi, We're Clare and Heather! We can’t wait to help you achieve a more balanced life.


About Clare Samol

Clare Samol

Hi, I'm Clare Samol and I am a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner as well as a Holistic Health Coach.

My training comes from Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, a methodology that investigates healing opportunities within your body’s systems, and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which pursues a holistic health approach focusing on the interactions between food and wellness.

While these organizations represent my formal training, my own personal experience with holistic health began years before when I suffered from chronic stomach pain and was never given any real answers on what to do. It was my first understanding in how diet, stress, and environment can have a major impact on our health.

Then in 2016, my daughter was born. In the first 24 hours of her life, she was covered in a rash that wouldn’t go away for months. Visits to her pediatrician and specialists were nothing but dead ends as we were told there was nothing we could do but hope she grew out of it.

Thus my deep dive into holistic healing began.

I started with switching our household and self care products for unscented or ones that only use essential oils. I then graduated to elimination diets. I had some success but her eczema would never completely clear up. 

In 2018 we moved from Texas to London. Within a week of our arrival my daughter caught a virus with a fever that didn’t recede for 7 days. After that, every time I fed her she cried. She wasn’t able to have a bowel movement on her own for the next 6 months. We took her to another round of doctors in a new country and kept hitting the same brick wall. We walked out with laxatives and fervent prayers that she would just get past this on her own. 

Through functional nutrition we were able to get our daughter off all medications and to a place where she is thriving.  In the process I have learned about how to optimize health, our gut microbiome, and how focusing on the body as a whole is the best approach.

I am passionate about what we are doing with Mama Care Complete because the stage is set before and during pregnancy.  Many pregnancy and childbirth complications can be reduced by diet and lifestyle optimization.  I am anxious to share everything that I have learned to help you and your baby have the best possible outcomes!

About Heather Thompson

Hi! I’m Heather and have been teaching Pilates since 1999. I am a Mother of 2 boys and I own this wonderful business where I get to help people find their groove again. After my first was born, I healed my Diastasis Recti and pelvic floor using the methods I have learned through Pilates and other DR work. After my second, I was so busy with the first, I had a much harder time healing my DR. After 3 years and still not loving the way everything looked, I dove deeper.

I lift, CrossFit, and practice Pilates. My core was strong, but after having two babies late in the game (my first came when I was 37 and the second right before I tuned 40), I lost more elasticity than I was willing to admit. The work I had done was working to a point and halting.

I found Sarah Duvall’s Postpartum Exercise Specialist Certification program and through what I have learned from her and my own experience, I have been developing a system to help mamas heal their pelvic floor and Diastasis, help answer those embarrassing questions as to why I pee when I jump, and empower these mamas to feel strong and beautiful.

Heather Thompson

I started working with women that I knew also suffered from DR and were lost on their journey. We worked 30 minutes a week. I gave them exercises to take home and we would re-evaluate each week. Why only 30 minutes? Well, as a new mom or mom of several, time and finances are tight.  So, I wanted to offer a way to get the information at a low cost and empower you to make a difference with yourself. The results have been wonderful! I have happy mamas and I would love to work with you to help you meet your goals! 

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